If you are going to spend money to have a website built, you are surely expecting that it should increase the volume of your customers, which in turn will lead to bigger income and profits. To achieve that goal, your website will first need to rank high on search engines like Google where people will see it, and click on it.
Unfortunately, good rankings does not just happen by itself, and will first require that your web pages are properly optimized. In short, this includes the way web pages are designed, but also telling search engines and web users what your business is about, how it is different, and why you offer good online experiences.
Do not let this challenge discourage you though. Firstly, when you request us to build a new website for your business, the price will always include basic on-site optimization (SEO) so you can start off on the right note. Secondly, SEO is an ongoing service we offer to all our customers in Siem Reap, and the rest of Cambodia. You can find much more information about search engine optimization on our blog, but here are the basics you simply have to include from day one.